
How to install visual studio code on ubuntu 20.04
How to install visual studio code on ubuntu 20.04

In the next section, you must enable the Visual Studio code repository: sudo add-apt-repository "deb stable main"įinally, after activating the apt repository, you can easily install the Visual Studio Code package using the following command: sudo apt install codeįinally, you can use the following commands to apply the changes: sudo apt update sudo apt upgrade How to Start Visual Studio Code on Ubuntu 21.04

how to install visual studio code on ubuntu 20.04

Then you need to import the Microsoft GPG key in the next step using the following command: wget -q -O- | sudo apt-key add. To do this you can use the following commands: sudo apt update sudo apt install software-properties-common apt-transport-https wget In the first step, as a user with Sudo privileges, you must update the package index and install the dependencies. Since Visual Studio Code is available in official Microsoft Apt repositories, you can easily install it by following the instructions below. In this section, we want to teach you how to install Visual Studio Code on Ubuntu 21.04. Install Visual Studio Code on Ubuntu 21.04 | 20.04 In the next section, we will teach you how to install Visual Studio Code on Ubuntu 21.04. VS Code Editor has many features and capabilities. The following four methods are used to use VS Code to improve the quality of the development process beyond a plain text editor: In addition to coding, VS Code can support many other applications. However, the flexibility of VS Code in the form of plugins allows this editor to do much more in addition to supporting programming languages ​​or file formats.

how to install visual studio code on ubuntu 20.04 how to install visual studio code on ubuntu 20.04

Most people rightly think of Visual Studio Code as a code editor and even a development environment for programming projects or working on text files. The VS Code interface allows a lot of interaction with the programmer compared to other text editors. VS Code allows developers to add and even create new add-ons, including Code Linters, debugging, and support for web development and cloud technology.

how to install visual studio code on ubuntu 20.04

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How to install visual studio code on ubuntu 20.04